National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme / Clean Fleet / Truck Safe
It is assumed that you have completed ServiceTracker Version 5 “Maintenance” Training before starting this booklet. It is important that you have done so as the training booklet becomes less detailed to reduce the amount of repetitive information as the sections progress.
It is also highly recommended that the user is trained in the companies NHVAS policies and procedures prior to commencing this module.
During this training session you will learn to how to utilise the NHVAS Mass & Maintenance tools within ServiceTracker. The system will assist with vehicle and book issue registers, daily checks, mass verifications, Non Conformance Reports, and Quarterly Reviews.
Additional dashboard items for book renewals, open NCRs and review reminders will also be covered.
Some components of the NHVAS module will also benefit CLEAN FLEET and TRUCKSAFE accredited operators.
A single click on the NHVAS Icon will expand the NHVAS menu. The menu contains the following items when expanded:
1. NHVAS Vehicle Register
Vehicles Register Similar to Workshop Register. Contains vehicles that have been marked as NHVAS accredited and provides details of the vehicle inclusion or exclusion from the scheme.
2. Non Conformances
Track Non Conformances raised during NHVAS Accreditation. This may be used for MASS and Maintenance Management.
3. NHVAS Reviews
Reviews may be created, printed and stored for later reference. Reviews are for Maintenance Accreditation Only.
4. Certificate of Roadworthiness (COR) This section is used to track roadworthiness inspections for the NHVAS scheme. Please check your NHVAS policy & procedure manual to confirm whether this is applicable to your accreditation.
5. Mass Verifications Mass Verifications are used to track quarterly weighing equipment verifications. Please check your NHVAS policy & procedure documentation to confirm your exact requirements.
6. Daily Vehicle Check Log
(DVCL) Use this section to track vehicle daily checks.
7. Books Register
Use this section track the issue and expiry of NHVAS books. This may include daily check books and fault recording books.
To minimise (hide) the NHVAS menu, click on the button.
Additional Dashboard items may be turned on and off by double clicking on your username.